Friday, 5 February 2016

Filming #1 - 1st Rough Edit

This was the footage I captured from my day of filming, which was riddled with misfortune. This is not the actual beginning of my opening sequence, however, I decided I would film the actual start on a separate day to accommodate my actor's timetable. I plan to fill the silence with non-diegetic music, Made of Stone by The Stone Roses. This music will then decrease in volume whilst the actors are speaking, but will still play. The snow in the edit makes for poor continuity and I plan to correct this when I film this weekend. In addition to this, the strong wind created much difficulty with the audio. Next time I plan to record the audio on my iPhone then match it with the clip. I also recognise some issues with audio transitions; the background noise cuts heavily, I plan to combat this issue through decreasing the audio of the various noises. The end of the clip shows one of the actors extend his arm to commence the exchange, this was the point in which my camera's battery died. I was able to capture some remaining footage on my phone, albeit to a very poor standard.

1 comment:

  1. Opening two shots are good, although there doesn't seem to be any audio. Similarly, the shot/ reverse of your characters is quite effective; again, the audio is missing here. You have a slight continuity error at about 0:16 (the direction Fraser is looking in); there are also a lot of issues with audio between shots, particularly the background noise. I quite like the pan between the two gangsters at about 20s. You do seem to be favouring MLS as a shot-type; could do with more variety of shots. Your shot at 0:28 breaks the 180 rule, considering you have shot him from the other side most of the time. Obviously, it's only 33s and you are lacking elements such as titles etc., so impossible to give you a mark beyond the general; at the moment I would say that if you carried on like this you would be looking at a mid L3 mark (about 38/60).
